Making A Difference Today

Beasiswa SVP

Sekolah Victory Plus external student scholarship programme is offered to new students who may want to enrol to SVP. These students possess excellent academic, sporting or leadership potential. Successful candidates must show not only exemplary achievement, both in academic and extracurricular activities, but also a good character & behaviour. This scholarship is available for students of all of MYP or All of DP.


  1. A portfolio of exemplary school reports and certificates of outstanding academic, sporting, leadership or community excellence.
  2. 1st or 2nd place in any international competition or national olympiad.
  3. May have also participated in SVP major events including the Innovation Fair
  4. Written references from school leaders, coaches etc.
  5. A five minute video of the student addressing the following questions:
  • Why should I be awarded a Student Scholarship
  • How have I demonstrated the IB learner profile attributes and/or the Champion Mindset
  • Why is international mindedness important?
  • What can I give back to SVP now and in the future

*All applications will be discussed by the school committee that consists of all Principals, School Director & Management advisor. This committee will make a recommendation to the Yayasan regarding the percentage of scholarship awarded.

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