Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Us!

enrolling your child

Sekolah Victory Plus accepts applications for our Toddler Class (2 years old) to grade 12

  • Children must be the appropriate age for each level.
  • Please note that all the required documents must be sent to the admissions office prior to any testing/observation.
  • The application form can be obtained (by email or in person) from the Admission Office and must be fully completed. Alternatively you can create the application form online – click here to access it.
  • A deposit is required prior to taking the entrance test/observation by respective the Principals. If the child is accepted, the deposit fee will be applied as part of the submission fee and if the child is not accepted the deposit fee will be returned.
  • Before applying, parents should read and understand all the policies and requirements which are stated on the form, and be willing to abide by them.
  • The student applicant will be tested, interviewed and observed. The written test can be done at anytime. However, the interview and observation with the principals is by appointment only. Following the evaluation of the tests and the interview, the applicant’s family will be notified by the Admission Office by phone, SMS or e-mail regarding the status of the application, that is accepted, waiting listed, requires a re-test or not accepted.

Our admission staff are always ready to make you feel welcome.

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

We have open enrollment which means your child can join our school at any time.. Your child may register to the respective level when he/she reaches the corresponding eligible age by 31st October in the respective year.


by 31st October of the current school academic year, the child should have turned :

The Toddler class

2 years old


3 years old

Early Years 1

4 years old

Early Years 2

5 years old


We are an International Baccalaureate World School (Click here to see our High School Profile); one of a small number to offer the three IB programmes from the age of 3 to 18 years old as well as a dynamic program for students from the age of 6 months. The IB is a gold standard for education, built on fifty years of pedagogical research and development to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

Our Leadership Team

Our whole team of experienced and well-trained professionals is dedicated to working closely with students and parents to create an environment in which learning can thrive. The teams experience of delivering the three IB programmes is strong. It is deeply attuned to the principles and aspirations of the United Nations as well as recognising the local context, Indonesia, in which the school operates. The IB framework grants the flexibility to evolve and adapt our own teaching styles as we grow. We are committed to continually developing our own team and we participate in an extensive programme of professional development. This is accessed through the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) and other similar organisations. We are always responsive to new developments in teaching and education, such as those of Carol Dweck or John Hattie. Our approach is informed by best practice whether from neuroscience, positive psychology or from our own action research. We believe teaching is a deliberately engineered act and that effective learning environments share key features. These include strategies to engage students, to develop them into independent learners and help them develop outstanding habits of mind; this informs our entire approach.

What We Teach

We like to teach students to think for themselves: we encourage them to analyse, synthesise, create, empathise, collaborate, interpret, research, defend alternative perspectives and determine what they know and don’t know. We teach our students to work autonomously and also in groups while our teachers guide, facilitate, challenge and support. Classes are small and individual support is always available.The International Baccalaureate (IB) – the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP) – matches the demands of our students and parents. It allows for a broad curriculum. Every student has two languages and can have a third if they wish. Every child studies maths, English and sciences. It develops a well rounded academic portfolio from the PYP right through to the DP. The IB places front and centre skills such as collaboration, cultural awareness, use of language, digital literacy, problem-solving, and adaptability. It addresses these either through the academic curriculum or via extracurricular activities, and community, action and service. The Learner Profile provides for the development of character, capability and responsibility. All these elements are integrated into the IB so that the whole curriculum pulls together and produces confident learners prepared for life after school. The IB is internationally-minded and helps develop global citizens able to make an impact on the world around them. It is eagerly accepted by Indonesian universities and those in over 100 countries around the world. No matter what or where you move on to after SVP, your children will be prepared.

How We Teach

The SVP approach to education can be drawn together in two primary strands: individual attention and independence as a learner. These are a culmination of our understanding of the IB, our experienced faculty, the research we undertake and our historical experience. Thanks to our commitment to individual attention, every SVP child, no matter their background or level, is given a balance of one-on-one teaching and mentoring, alongside their class work. Every student is supported to excel. The class sizes are small and teacher to student ratios high. We are dedicated to developing in every child independence as a learner. From the day they join us until the day they leave, we actively foster self-learning skills. We provide the groundwork for students at a formative stage, which provides them with the skills, confidence and desire to become an independent learner. As they reach the final years of school our aim is to make sure they thrive at the university of their choice.

What We Do

We challenge every child to achieve the most they can. With the IB, there are eight key subject groupings that sit within the three programmes. Teaching is driven by concepts and skills, which bring together different perspectives and subject material. Every IB teacher at SVP is a language teacher. Multilingualism, intercultural awareness and international mindedness are cornerstones of our approach to education. We recruit teachers who have subject expertise and are hugely committed to developing those teachers so that they too reach their own full potential. Our faculty members engage in the global debates driven by the IB and contribute to research initiatives designed to improve learning performance. We are developing attributes that are pivotal in an age when the way that we access knowledge or the way we learn are changing. In the past, developing self-learning involved teaching a child how to search through books in the library. Today, we teach our students to use technology to interact, learn from and gain knowledge from the world around them. The teacher is fundamental in this teaching, hands-on in this approach and is responsible for this development.

Research and Innovation

Leading research and best practice guide our academic approach. Our goal is for visible learning to take place, following the conclusions of extensive and groundbreaking research by John Hattie. Hattie emphasised the critical importance of feedback and developing independent study skills in students. We believe that intelligence and talent are not innate abilities but that through hard work and a can-do attitude, learning outcomes are improved. Carol Dweck, of Stanford University, developed the concept of the ‘growth mindset’. When we teach this to our students it has a keenly noticeable effect, helping them dig their way out of even the deepest academic holes in which they may find themselves. While our teachers lead classrooms, we employ full roundtable discussions led by the students: assessing one another’s work by using tools provided by the teacher or discussed by the class as a whole. It gives students an understanding of the competencies of one another; makes them more inquisitive and questioning when they are empowered to take control of their learning. In this classroom setting, teachers are the conductors of the class, who orchestrate the music of learning.

Frequently Asked Question




Baby Gym

6 months – 2 years old

SVP Curriculum

The Toddler programme

2 – 3 years old

SVP Curriculum with the approaches of :

·       Montessori Method of Education

·       Reggio Emilia

·       Play-based learning


3 – 4 years old

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)

with the approaches of :

·       Montessori Method of Education

·       Reggio Emilia

·       Play based learning

Early Year 1

4 – 5 years old

Early Year 2

5 – 6 years old


(cut off date 31st October in the respective year)

LevelMaximum number of students in a classTeacher-student Ratio
2 – 3 years oldToddler201 : 5
3 – 4 years oldNursery201 : 5
4 – 5 years oldEarly Year 1 (EY1)201 : 10
5 – 6 years oldEarly Year 2 (EY2)201 : 10

At SVP we believe in providing a balanced curriculum including nurturing the aesthetic and creative talents of our students.

Readiness or a screening test is not used as a basis for admission to the ECE program. However, prior admitting a student to ECE SVP, we observe the students’ readiness. The result will give information about the child’s current competence level from the recommendation of the teachers.

It is common for a child in Sekolah Victory Plus to begin school speaking a language or languages other than English. We provide EAL (English as an Additional Language) support through music and movement, storytelling and lessons. The Total Physical Response method is also applied during the daily activities in the classroom to help the students to feel able and be familiar with English. Sekolah Victory Plus also has the language policy to respect and support the use of mother tongue and Language of the Host Country (Bahasa Indonesia).

The methodology of our school is very different to national schools. Children will need to make a significant changes and may have a period of adjustment.

  • UOI lessons are a combination of language, science, mathematics, social studies (including geography), Bahasa Indonesia (including PKn), personal, social and physical education (PSPE) studies.
  • They are taught using inquiry-based learning where students are encouraged to be inquirers and thinkers.
  • The lessons are conducted through hands-on activities.

Do you have student textbooks for UOI lessons?

  • No, we don’t. During UOI lessons, teachers and students use a variety of media/resources (such as: the Internet, books, magazines, newspapers, people, journal, etc) to gain the information.

Do students have other textbooks in ECE and Primary?

  • Students only have Religion textbook. There are not any textbooks for any other subjects
  • The maximum number of students in one class is 23 students with two homeroom teachers in grade 1.
  • The maximum number of students in one class is 23 students with one homeroom teacher and 1 floating homeroom teacher in grades 2-6.
  • We do not have Teacher Assistants  in every class but we have Teacher Support Staff who help the teachers inside and outside the class.
  • It is to engage the students in active and fun learning
  • It is to engage the students to be free in expressing their ideas and thoughts
  • It is to facilitate students’ various learning styles. (differentiation learning)
  • The school provides support for its students with learning and/or special educational needs and support for their teachers. However, with its ongoing process of ideal inclusive programme, the school may not be able to meet all diverse learning styles, strengths and challenges including special education needs and therefore limit admission of specific cases, in a way to create an inclusive environment which is effective for all students to reach their full potential.
  • Children will have observations and assessments on multiple aspects (internal and external) before the school decides whether or not it is able to cater the children’s need in learning.

At SVP we offer the students the opportunity to study visual arts throughout their time in our school. Many students also study Visual Arts as part of their Diploma Programme.


Internal Aspects:

  • Physical: the child is able to function his/her body independently in learning.
  • Social Emotional: The child is able to shows good working and learning attitude (showing willingness to learn, accepting tasks responsibly), as well as attitude toward people (cooperate with adult and peers, and following instructions).
  • Intellectual: the child is able to follow basic curriculum standard (based on developmental; scale and entrance test results).
  • Language: the child is able to express ideas verbally or written appropriately based on age (refer to the developmental scale) at least in one language, English or Bahasa Indonesia.

External Aspects:

  • Parents show positive demeanour towards school and the representatives
  • Parents and school share a mutual understanding to support students needs based on the observation.

We don’t have a test. Instead, we have a School Readiness Observation. This observation aims to assess the child’s readiness to enter our school and to know his/her communication and thinking skills. If a child does not have serious problems, we can accept him/her (of course depending on available vacant places)

  • For local students, we will run a School Readiness Observation, conducted by school counselor and the PYP Coordinator (if needed) and the students may be asked to sit another Readiness test (Test Kesiapan Sekolah) conducted by PT. Psiko Edukasi Asesmen Citra Unggul (PEACE). The result will inform the Primary School Principal based on the Readiness Observation/Test result from both sides.
  • For expatriate students, we may only have School Readiness Observation conducted by the school counselor/PYP Coordinator.

Our curriculum framework is the Middle Years Programme (MYP) from International Baccalaureate  (IB) incorporated with the latest national curriculum.

MYP (Middle Years Program) is a curriculum framework offered by IB for children of 11-16 years of age. SVP offers a 4-year programme, from Grade 7-Grade 10 ( grade 1 SMA).

Yes. The preparation is done regularly during the learning activities in the respective subjects. We also provide mock exams (try out).

Students receive the MYP school report each term. They will also receive their SMP Certificate from the Indonesian government upon successfully finishing Grade 9 and joining the National exams.

A variety of teaching methods and approaches from inquiry-based learning lessons to discussions, depending on the nature of the learning materials.

Definitely. Students need homework. Homework can take the form of a research, interview, investigation, or worksheet. Homework or tasks will give students a chance  to improve their management skills.

The Middle & Senior School’s spacious air-conditioned classrooms are equipped with a computer with broadband internet connection, an LCD projector. Our school also  has a library with almost 10.000 collection of books plus multimedia resources, a mini soccer field, swimming pool, a basketball court, an Art Studio, a Music Room, a Science Lab, Design Technology Workshop (Bengkel) and a Computer Lab. 

Our teachers come from different nationalities and they have gone through a tough selection process in terms of their English and capability as good teachers. The English programmes are supported by native English speakers.

Middle School starts at 07.20 and finishes at 14.45 except on Tuesday at 15.30. The additional time on Tuesday is used for compulsory extra curricular activities in Music. Snack Break is at 09.00-09.15 and lunch break is at 11.30 to 12.15 PM.

We have varied extracurricular activities ranging from Swimming, Wushu, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Futsal, Cooking, Band, Mandarin, Dance, Digital Design, Artificial Intelligence, Debate, Model United Nations and many other activities.

There is an intensive course called English Adjustment Programme for the students who passed the entrance tests with English that has not met the necessary level.

SVP has a readiness observation which simply is a means of finding out if  students are ready for the programme. This will include readiness in Bahasa Indonesia, English (written and spoken) as well as Mathematics.

There are two curriculum streams in Senior School (grade 11 and 12). They are the Diploma Program and National Program

The school uses the Approaches To Learning a continuum of skills that a student must develop starting from Primary to the Middle & Senior level. Those skills are:

  • Thinking Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Self Management Skill
  • Social Skills

The School offers students a variety of Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA).

All the extra-curricular activities are held after school at 3.45 to 5 PM (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and at 3 to 4.30 PM (Wednesday and Friday).