Be the Leader, Be the Champ ( A two-day Leadership Camp)

Be the Leader, Be the Champ ( A two-day Leadership Camp)

Be the Leader, Be the Champ

two-day Leadership Camp

There were various events held at the beginning of the new school year. One such event at Sekolah Victory Plus was the leadership camp for all middle school students. This leadership camp was conducted on the second day of the new school year.
Ada berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan di awal tahun ajaran baru. Salah satunya adalah kegiatan Leadership Camp yang diadakan Sekolah Victory Plus untuk siswa MYP. Kegiatan ini diadakan di hari kedua sekolah.

We believe leadership plays an important role in every aspect of a student’s life. Students go through many stages in life for their personal growth, and in this dynamic modern world, they need leadership skills to accept challenges and solve problems.
Kami yakin bahwa kepemimpinan berperan penting dalam setiap aspek kehidupan siswa. Siswa melalui berbagai tahap kehidupan untuk pengembangan diri, dan di dunia modern yang dinamis seperti saat ini, mereka membutuhkan keterampilan memimpin untuk menghadapi tantangan dan menyelesaikan masalah.

During this leadership camp, we were running two different sessions, one was done in Amarta Hall and the other one was at Pandawa Hall. These sessions were very engaging as we invited two inspirational guest speakers for our students.
Selama kegiatan Leadership Camp ini, kami melangsungkan dua sesi berbeda yang dilaksanakan di Amarta Hall dan Pandawa Hall. Sesi-sesi ini sangat menarik dengan adanya pembicara inspiratif yang dihadirkan untuk siswa.

Our seventh, eighth, and ninth graders had a fun session at Amarta Hall with Merry Riana as the guest speaker. Merry Riana is an entrepreneur and content creator who gives inspiration and motivation every day to millions of her subscribers and followers in Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, and Twitter.
Siswa kelas 7, 8, dan 9 memiliki sesi yang seru di Amarta Hall bersama Merry Riana. Merry Riana adalah entrepreneur dan content creator yang sering membagikan inspirasi dan motivasi melalui Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, and Twitter.


Our students were so enthusiastic and actively participated in the session by having various activities. They learned how to define their identity as leaders. They also had a great time doing activities that were done in a team. It allowed them to know how to express their ideas, negotiate, and appreciate their teammates in achieving their goals.
Siswa kami sangat antusias dan aktif berpartisipasi dalam sesi dengan berbagai kegiatan. Mereka belajar mengenali identitas diri mereka sebagai seorang pemimpin. Mereka juga melakukan berbagai kegiatan secara berkelompok. Hal ini membantu mereka untuk mengemukakan pendapat, bernegosiasi, dan menghargai rekan tim mereka untuk mencapai suatu tujuan.


Another inspiring session was delivered by LifeLaunch Masterclass at Pandawa Hall. A session from LifeLaunch Masterclass helps students grapple with real life problems so that they can conquer challenges and move forward.
Sesi menginspirasi lainnya disampaikan oleh LifeLaunch Masterclass di Pandawa Hall. Sesi dari LifeLaunch Masterclass membantu siswa untuk bergulat dengan masalah kehidupan nyata sehingga mereka dapat menaklukkan tantangan dan bergerak maju.


Our tenth graders were divided into groups. They were given some interesting topics to be discussed with all the group members. These included how to manage their time based on their personality, how to connect with others in a healthy way, and how to make important choices about their future.
Siswa kelas 10 terbagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Mereka diberikan topik menarik untuk didiskusikan dengan rekan sekelompok. Topik yang diberikan meliputi bagaimana mengatur waktu sesuai kepribadian, bagaimana terhubung dengan sesama secara sehat, dan bagaimana membuat keputusan penting terkait masa depan mereka.

As we value leadership for our students’ character development, we sincerely hope these sessions could be such an inspiration for our students and they will be able to be future leaders wherever they are.
Dengan kami menilai penting keterampilan memimpin bagi perkembangan karakter siswa kami, kami berharap sesi-sesi ini dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi mereka dan mereka dapat menjadi seorang pemimpin di masa depan dimanapun mereka berada.

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