How Important Continuity in IB Curriculum for Children
We all know the IB (International Baccalaureate) curriculum is one of the most recognized curriculums for its holistic education. It is a curriculum that aims to foster internationally-minded students and also values their personal, professional and academic development.
IB curriculum is a continuum of international education that offers several programmes. Based on its origin language, continuum itself – means to keep together, uninterrupted without a break, a continuous series in which no part is noticeably different from the parts immediately next to it but the extremes or ends are very different.
The three programmes of education at Sekolah Victory Plus make up the IB Continuum in our school. It includes PYP, MYP, and DP. These programmes are philosophically aligned and consistent in the approach to teaching and learning.
Starting from the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Grade 1 until Grade 6, it sets up the young generation to be inquisitive and self-motivated inside and outside the classroom. Children learn to be more conceptual, confident, caring, respectful and active to participate in the world around them. They also learn the 21st century skills required for success such as how to collaborate, how to critically reflect etc and these skills are continued to develop in the next level of education, the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
In the Middle Years Programme (Grade 7 until Grade 10), children step into the stage where they continue to learn to make connections between their studies and the real world. They are encouraged to think critically by analyzing more complex issues. This programme also allows children to experience the responsibility of completing a significant piece of work through their personal project. As students independently involved in this self-initiated and self-directed learning process, they develop their confidence in communicating effectively.
It is clear that the IB curriculum provides a high-quality and sustainable learning experience for children. The continuity of children’s learning is complemented by the existence of a third programme, that is the Diploma Programme (DP) Grade 11 and Grade 12. Children reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research and undertake a project that often involves community service. It is an academically challenging and balanced programme of education. Children who have taken the PYP and MYP will be well prepared for the challenges of the DP.
There are many activities that help children to develop their sense as a global citizen, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This level of IB education is also crucial for children’s university admission. It can be seen from the higher rates of IB students who go on to the world’s leading universities and higher education study than non-IB students.
Continuity of the IB curriculum is necessary to ensure that children grasp the quality of learning experiences and support their personal development. Each program may have a variety of approaches but each program complements each other and creates a sustainable quality education.
Learn more about IB continuum at SVP by joining our Open House on 17th of September 2022. Register here: bit.ly/SVPOH2022.