
Early Childhood Education
We conduct several events to support the teaching and learning and to engage all the school community with the school’s vision. These are the regular events we normally host during the year:
Parent events:
Parents Orientation Meeting. The meeting is conducted on the first day of school for the parents of our new students. During this meeting, we share some fundamental information and regulations to help the new parents adapt themselves and their child to the school routines.
Parents Information Day. It is held at the end of first week of school. We invite all the parents of students in ECE, Primary School and Secondary School. This is the time for us to share the school’s future highlights of the year.
Parents as Learners (PALS). As a community of learners, we nurture the spirit of learning with all members of school community, including the parents. We regularly invite the parents of our students to learn together in PALS sessions with various topics to support the teaching and learning. This is to ensure the consistency of learning between school and home.
Academic events:
Learning Celebrations – It is an event where the students showcase their understandings from the completed unit of inquiry. It is also an additional way to report student learning to parents. Each class will hold at least one ‘Learning Celebration’ per semester. This is a good opportunity for parents to see their children share their understanding of the learning from the Central Idea. We strongly encourage parents to be actively involved in this activity by questioning and interacting with the students (parents will be supported by the guiding questions as well)
Parent-Teacher Conferences. These are designed to give the parents information about their child’s progress, development and needs, and about the school’s programme. Teachers take this opportunity to gather background information, to answer the parents’ questions, to address their concerns, and to help define their role in the learning process.
Three-Way Conferences. Three-way conferences involves the student, parents and teacher. The student, parents and the teacher collaborate to establish and identify the student’s strengths and areas for improvement. This may lead to the setting of new goals, with all determining how they can support the achievement of the goals.
Student Led Conference. Student-led conference involves the student and the parent. The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents. It may involve students demonstrating their understanding through a variety of different learning situations. The conference will involve the students discussing and reflecting upon samples of work that they have previously chosen to share with their parents to identify strengths and areas for improvement. It enables parents to gain a clear insight into the kind of work their child is doing and offers an opportunity for them to discuss it with their child.
EY2 Certificate Presentation Ceremony. This is the time when we celebrate EY2 students’ achievement at the end of their learning journey in the Early Childhood Education. They will still continue learning under the engaging Primary Years Programme in SVP Primary School.
Extra-Curricular-Activity (ECA) events :
Extra Curricular Activity Expo. Before ECA starts, EY1 and EY2 students and their parents are invited to come to school to have a trial of various ECA classes that are offered. They can experience the activities prior to choosing the ECA they are going to attend for the whole semester/year.
End of Year Performance – Culmination of our Extra Curricular Activities. At the end of the ECA cycle, all students will showcase their learning through the ECA journey in front of all parents.
Biennial Musical Production. This events is held every two years. It is aimed to exercise and showcase the students’ artistic talents.
Training for local teachers. ECE SVP is eager to contribute to the improvement of education in the community. Accordingly, and aligned with the SVP school vision as a community of lifelong learners, ECE SVP regularly conducts free Professional Development sessions for kindergarten and pre-school teachers and principals in Bekasi city.
Primary School
Primary School hosts a number of events to support and facilitate our teaching and learning process at Sekolah Victory Plus.
Below are the regular events happen in Primary School: Parent events
New Parents Orientation Meeting. This meeting is to inform all new Parents in the Primary School about our rules and policies in order to support our students in understanding and following the Primary School requirements. Parents may use this time to ask any questions they might have to the Principal.
Parent Info Day. This meeting is aimed at introducing all Primary School teachers to all Parents (existing and new ones). Parents will be given important and updated information from the Principal and class teachers in each grade level.
PYP Parents as Learners (PYP PaLs). This meeting is aimed at unifying the Parents and the School’s understanding of the IB curriculum and our way of teaching and learning. It also encourages all Parents to be lifelong learners in our school community.
Academic Events
Perayaan Proses Belajar. It is an event where the students showcase their understandings from the completed unit of inquiry. It is also an additional way to report student learning to parents. Each grade will hold at least one ‘Learning Celebration’ per semester. This is a good opportunity for parents to see their children explain the process of learning as they explored the Central Idea. We strongly encourage parents to be actively involved in this activity by questioning and interacting with the students (parents will be supported by the guiding questions as well)
Three Way Conference (3WC). In Mid-Semester one, students will have a Three-Way Conference between students, parent(s) and the teacher. The three parties will all sit together to discuss learning goals and intentions for the year.
Student Led Conference (SLC). In Mid-Semester two, students will lead a conference at which time they will show the results of the learning engagements including what they have learned, how they have learned and a reflection on their learning goals.
Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC). During the PTC, Parents and Teachers discuss the student’s development in all areas. The PTC is held at the end of each semester. Parents are advised to be familiar with the school report, which is sent a day in advance.
PYP Exhibition. In the final year (Grade 6) of the PYP, the students participate in a culminating project, the PYP Exhibition. This requires that each child demonstrate engagement with the essential elements of the programme (Conceptual understanding, Knowledge, Approaches to Learning Skills and Action). It is a transdisciplinary inquiry conducted in the spirit of personal and shared responsibility, as well as a consolidation of learning experience in the final year of PYP before going to the MYP.
Grade 6 Graduation. This event is to acknowledge and celebrate the grade 6 learning journey in the Primary School and showcase their understanding of the Primary Years Programme.
Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) events :
Extra Curricular Activity Expo. Before the ECAs start, all ECAs exhibit the activities they will conduct for one semester. All students are invited to come see and ask any questions related to the ECA. The objective is to give a clear picture for all students (and parents) of the activities that will happen in that particular ECA. By participating in this event the students are able to make a commitment to the ECA they have chosen.
ECA Celebration – Culmination of our Extra Curricular Activities. At the end of the ECA cycle, all students will showcase their learning through the ECA journey in front of all parents.
Service as Action:
Training for local teachers. The Primary School since 2018 has provided training to local teachers. These sessions provides the local teachers with a taste of the pedagogy of the IB. This exercise is part of our commitment to giving back to our local community.
Secondary School
The Secondary School has a number of events to support and facilitate our teaching and learning process. Below are the regular events which happen in the Secondary School:
Parent events:
New Parents Orientation Meeting. This meeting is to inform all new Parents in Secondary School about our rules and policies in order to support our students in understanding and following the Secondary School requirements. Parents may use this time to ask any questions they might have to the Principal.
Parent Info Day .This meeting is aimed at introducing all Secondary School teachers to all Parents (existing and new ones). Parents will be given important and updated information from the Principal and subject teachers in each grade level.
Parents as Learners ( PaLs). This meeting is aimed at unifying Parents and the School’s understanding of IB curriculum and our way of teaching and learning. It also encourages all Parents to be lifelong learners in our school community.
Academic Events
Three Way Conference (3WC). In Mid-Semester 1, students will have a Three-Way Conference between students, parent(s) and teachers. The three parties will all sit together to discuss learning goals and intentions for the year.
Student Led Conference (SLC). In Mid-Semester 2, students will lead a conference at which time they will show the results of their learning engagements including what they have learned, how they have learned and a reflection on their learning goals.
Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC). During the PTC, Parents and Teachers discuss the student development in all areas. The PTC is held at the end of each semester. Parents are advised to be familiar with the school report, which is sent a day in advance.
MYP Exhibition . In the final year (Grade 10) of the MYP, the students participate in a culminating project, the MYP Exhibition (Personal Project). The Personal Project is a significant piece of work completed over an extended period of time. By completing the Personal Project each child demonstrates engagement and courage . The students reflect on their learning and the outcomes of their work – key skills that prepare them for success in further study, the workplace and the community. The Personal Project is student-centered and age-appropriate, and enables students to engage in a practical exploration through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. The Personal Project is also a final assessment activity that is a celebration and rite of passage for MYP students moving into Diploma Program (DP).
Grade 12 Graduation. This event is to acknowledge and celebrate the grade 12 learning journey in the Secondary School and Diploma/National Programme.
Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) events :
Extra Curricular Activity Expo. Before ECA starts, all ECAs exhibit the activities they will conduct for one semester. All students are invited to come to see and ask any questions related to the ECA. The objective is to give a clear picture for all students (and parents) of the activities that will happen in that particular ECA. By doing so, we expected all students will be committed to the ECA practice time.
Career Day. The program runs in cooperation with the Parents Support Group and is conducted in the first week of September each year. The aim is to introduce to all Secondary School students the plethora of professions available in the working field. The Event is begins with a keynote speaker who will give the students an insight into the latest trends within the workforce. The day is also focused on helping the students to prepare for entering the workforce.
Internship. All students in Grade 11 and 12 of Secondary School are encouraged to follow the internship program that is intended to provide knowledge about a career in the field of industry in accordance with their interests and expertise. This program is also intended as one of the holiday activities for students and it runs between June – July each year.
Charity Concert and School Production. These two events are conducted alternately once in a year. It is aimed to exercise and showcase the students’ artistic talents while at the same time the proceeds of this event contribute to charity.