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At Sekolah Victory Plus, we provide a rich learning environment for nurturing young minds. Our curriculum, the world-renowned International Baccalaureate (IB), gives students instant credibility at any university anywhere in the world. The IB has authorized Sekolah Victory Plus for three of their programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). As a result, we are rigorously monitored by the International Baccalaureate to ensure we meet strict requirements to maintain our authorization. These programmes have been thoroughly researched, assessed, and proven successful in providing students with an outstanding foundation from which to launch their tertiary studies and live their dreams.
Ketiga program kurikulum IB di Sekolah Victory Plus memenuhi kebutuhan belajar yang unik untuk setiap tahap perkembangan intelektual dan emosional anak. Siswa kami terbiasa dengan lingkungan belajar yang mendorong mereka untuk berpikir kritis dan kreatif, serta menerapkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki untuk terlibat dalam isu di lingkungan sekitar maupun global.
Our values of Caring, Respect and Responsibility define our community – who we are, what we do and why we do it.
Caring: We demonstrate a caring attitude towards one another, we demonstrate how we are caring through our words and actions. We feel safe when others care about us. When we feel safe we can take risks, we are open to learn and grow.
Responsibility: Our students know they play the most important part in their own education. Through ownership, accountability and integrity, our students become advocates for themselves and others.
Respect: How we treat others, the environment around us and ourselves really says a lot about who we are as a person. Our students treat each other with dignity, courtesy and as valued SVP community members, while also promoting open and critical exchange of ideas.
At Sekolah Victory Plus, only the most qualified teaching staff will be considered to teach in our classrooms. As a school we insist on a commitment to excellence and as such our teachers must continue ongoing learning so that every one of them stays current with innovations in education, the demands of the global economy, and the issues important to their students.
I invite you to explore this website, but more importantly please come and experience for yourselves the feel of a Champion.