ONSITE Learning

ONSITE Learning

New Normal
Walikota Visit

Implementing the Health Protocols for Face-to-Face Learning, DR. Rahmat Effendi Visits Victory Plus Bekasi School

The Mayor of Bekasi, DR. Rahmat Effendi, conducted a visit to Sekolah Victory Plus to ensure the school’s readiness for the implementation of face-to-face teaching and learning activities. Also joining the visit was Bp Saiful Mikdar, the Secretary of the Bekasi City Education Office along with other staff members. Dr. Rahmat listened to the presentation on health protocols implemented at Sekolah Victory Plus. The health protocols applied align to the Bekasi Mayor Decree No.134 as well as guidance from WHO.

New Normal

“That was extraordinary. This can be emulated by other schools, even state schools. I invite (for the school to open again). However, I ask that the standardization be submitted, and we will give permission for the face-to-face learning process. We also ask other schools who want to propose standardization, that they can visit Sekolah Victory Plus which is a role model. Of course, it can be adapted to the conditions of each school. ” said Dr. Rahmat Effendi (translated) after the visit on Tuesday 07/07/2020.

And to make sure that the onsite learning is safe for all of our students, on July –10th & 11th we provided a Free Rapid-test for the students who’ve registered for the onsite learning.

One of the requirements if the school reopens is that there will be an evaluation from the local government every two weeks.
That is one of the benchmarks for us to continue to prioritize health and safety through the implementation of health protocols and the improvement/addition of school facilities.
Our priority is always the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.

We are committed as a school community to work together for the holistic development of each and every student.

The first IB School in Kota Bekasi 




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