Approaches to Learning

The ultimate purpose of the ATL is developing lifelong learners. By becoming lifelong learners, students can gain good qualifications, be successful at university, get a good job and of course prepare for life.
What skills do our students need to be lifelong learners:
Thinking Skills: Developing thinking skills is a key feature of the constructivist approach that so heavily influences all IB programmes
Thinking skills video:
Research Skills: Research skills are also at the heart of inquiry-based pedagogy, which heavily influences all IB programmes.
Communication Skills: Effective communication requires being able to express ideas and views clearly, confidently and concisely, tailoring content and style to the audience.
Social Skills: Learning is a fundamentally active social process, and collaboration is a crucial way of constructing understanding and making meaning.
Self-management Skills: By taking responsibility for our own behavior and well-being, we can become more efficient and effective.