Overcoming Learning Barriers

Overcoming Learning Barriers

Overcoming Learning Barriers

Who agrees with a quote that says “Everyone is unique”? This also applies to the way of learning. Every child has their unique way of learning.They develop at their own pace with their different strengths and abilities.
Some children show excellent development, some may struggle sustaining their attention to tasks and activities. Despite those differences, all children have the same right to experience the best support for their education.
As a school we are very conscious of providing the best possible service to our community. Sometimes children have a problem and disability that makes them more difficult to learn than most children their age. Parents may need the help of specialists and professionals to assist them in determining their children’s needs. For some parents, taking time off work and taking their child for an assessment or ongoing therapy is very difficult.
At SVP, we are collaborating with the Victory Therapy Centre. This service was established to support children’s educational, physical and psychological needs. We have partnered with trusted expert therapists who can conduct an assessment for a variety of conditions for your children.
Victory Therapy Centre provides psychological assessment, speech pathology therapy, sensory integration, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and many other services. All the assessments and therapy sessions can happen online or onsite at the Victory Therapy Centre with our staff being able bring the children to and from the centre to school.
For more information about our Victory Therapy Centre, visit https://sites.google.com/svp.sch.id/victorytherapycentre/home?authuser=0

“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning, but also capable of succeeding.”- Robert John Meehan.
Overcoming Learning Barriers
Mengatasi Hambatan Dalam Belajar
Who agrees with a quote that says “Everyone is unique”? This also applies to the way of learning. Every child has their unique way of learning.They develop at their own pace with their different strengths and abilities.
Apakah anda setuju dengan kutipan yang mengatakan “Setiap orang itu unik?” Hal ini juga berlaku pada pola belajar. Setiap anak mempunyai cara yang berbeda dan unik dalam belajar. Mereka berkembang dengan kecepatan pada masa mereka masing-masing dengan kemampuan dan kekuatan yang berbeda.
Some children show excellent development, some may struggle sustaining their attention to tasks and activities. Despite those differences, all children have the same right to experience the best support for their education.
Beberapa anak menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat bagus, beberapa mungkin berusaha keras untuk dapat tetap fokus pada aktivitas dan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Dengan segala perbedaan tersebut, semua anak mempunyai hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan bantuan terbaik untuk pendidikan mereka.
As a school we are very conscious of providing the best possible service to our community. Sometimes children have a problem and disability that makes them more difficult to learn than most children their age. Parents may need the help of specialists and professionals to assist them in determining their children’s needs. For some parents, taking time off work and taking their child for an assessment or ongoing therapy is very difficult.
Sebagai sebuah lembaga pendidikan, kami sadar akan kewajiban kami untuk menyediakan pelayanan terbaik bagi komunitas kami. Beberapa anak mungkin mempunyai masalah dan ketidakmampuan yang membuat mereka menjadi lebih sulit belajar dibandingkan dengan anak lain seusia mereka. Para orang tua mungkin membutuhkan bantuan dari spesialis dan profesional untuk membantu mereka menentukan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh anak-anak mereka. Bagi beberapa orang tua, sangatlah sulit untuk mengambil cuti saat harus melakukan asesmen maupun terapi.
At Sekolah Victory Plus, we are collaborating with the Victory Therapy Centre. This service was established to support children’s educational, physical and psychological needs. We have partnered with trusted expert therapists who can conduct an assessment for a variety of conditions for your children.
SVP berkolaborasi dengan Victory Education Centre (VEC) untuk menyediakan klinik tumbuh kembang. Layanan ini disediakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan, fisik dan psikologi bagi anak-anak. Kami bekerjasama dengan terapi ahli terpercaya yang dapat melakukan asesmen untuk berbagai kondisi anak-anak anda.
Victory Therapy Centre provides psychological assessment, speech pathology therapy, sensory integration, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and many other services. All the assessments and therapy sessions can happen online or onsite at the Victory Therapy Centre with our staff being able bring the children to and from the centre to school.
VEC menyediakan Asesmen Psikologi, Terapi Wicara, Sensori Integrasi, Terapi Okupasi, Fisioterapi dan berbagai layanan lain yang dibutuhkan. Semua sesi asesmen dan terapi dapat dilakukan secara daring maupun tatap muka di VEC, dimana staf SVP dapat mengantarkan dan menjemput anak-anak dari tempat terapi ke sekolah dan sebaliknya.

For more information about our Victory Therapy Centre, visit https://sites.google.com/svp.sch.id/victorytherapycentre/home
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan klik tautan berikut :

“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning, but also capable of succeeding.”- Robert John Meehan.
“Setiap anak mempunyai gaya belajar dan kecepatan yang berbeda. Setiap anak adalah unik, tidak hanya mampu untuk belajar, namun juga mampu untuk berhasil.”- Robert John Meehan.


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