Impacting Learning: Students’ Journey with the UN SDGs

Students journey with UN SDGS

How can education go beyond and prepare students for the complexities of the real world?

At Sekolah Victory Plus, we believe the answer lies in providing experiential opportunities for students to deeply immerse in their learning. Research has shown that the experiential learning approach is more effective than traditional methods of teaching, leading to better understanding and performance among students.

This experiential learning approach is evident at Sekolah Victory Plus. During our grade six’s final assessment, the Primary Years Programme Exhibition, we integrated it with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs represent a universal call to action to end 17 different global issues, including poverty, hunger, and gender inequality. By connecting the UN SDGs, we not only make learning more engaging but also empower students to understand, engage with, and contribute to the world around them.

Extensive Research

During the process, our sixth graders worked in groups and explored different issues. Each group was guided by a mentor who helped them to elaborate and hone their authentic ideas. For example, students who chose the topic of quality education. They conducted research on education issues in their environment. They interviewed experts and practitioners, discovering that education has a positive impact on individuals and society. This motivated them to take inspiring action and realise quality education.

Students journey during UN SDG

Actual and Impactful Actions

After some research, they found a small kindergarten providing free education to children from underprivileged families. They visited the kindergarten and interviewed the principal and the teachers to discuss a further contribution they could make. This experience provoked their critical thinking as they suggested conducting a lesson for the students there.

Other groups analyzed topics such as life below the water, also joining informative sessions with experts to understand the issues. Knowing that life below the water has been a severe issue, our sixth graders decided to act and make a positive impact. Their initiative is demonstrated through real actions, like participating in sea cleaning and donating to mangrove conservation.

Students journey during UN SDG

Crucial Skills for the 21st Century Unlocked

Each group had the opportunity to delve deeper through significant interview sessions with experts from various disciplines, including doctors, members of the People’s Representative Council, educational activists, and entrepreneurs. This diverse array of learning experiences allowed our students to hone their skills in research, communication, and problem-solving.

Integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals into education is a powerful way to empower students and prepare them to tackle the complex challenges of the 21st century. By learning about the SDGs, students gain the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to become active global citizens who can make a positive difference in the world. Through education, we can inspire the next generation to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

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